Personalized Learning I Owned It! Series Prairie Crest Video 2
Check out our 2nd video of our I Owned It! video series features students from Mrs. Schulte’s 1st grade class reflecting on their learning and their addition strategy of choice. College Community is in year 9 of our 10-year strategic plan. Our ten-year goal is to create a personalized learning system. Student ownership is the heart of personalized learning. The goal of our I Owned It! series is to highlight the engagement and empowerment of our elementary students while educating parents and the community about how Prairie students are taking ownership of their learning from a young age. The early years are a critical start to all students becoming Prairie Ready! We want our students to feel a sense of passion and purpose in learning today for tomorrow. Please enjoy hearing from our elementary students as they share how they are owning their learning. *Video Produced by Kelsey Taylor, CCSD District Intern and Prairie HS Senior, and Faith Curtis, technology paraprofessional at Prairie Crest.